A spiritual practice ~ The ancient art of giving

​In the Céile Dé tradition, 'Deercc' is approached as a spiritual practice that we carry out after we have received teachings.
We use the term 'Deercc' to describe the traditional way of offering financial support to a spiritual teacher, by way of inviting each person to make a financial exchange from the heart, after they have received teachings, instead of setting a teaching fee before the retreat begins.
​This ancient Gaelic word literally means ‘Love of God’ and, by extension, a gift from the heart in response to the sacred gift of the teachings given to us.
How it works:
​Deercc is an amount that we pay at the end of a retreat -- after we have received teachings and experienced all the various subtle aspects of our tradition. We approach Deercc as a spiritual practice, entering the place of discernment within us that is able to consider the deeper implications of the experience (beyond words) that we have just been offered.
When considering the amount of our 'deercc', we consider what we have received, on all levels of our being. ​'Teachings' happen on many different levels, beyond the immediate expression in words, and continue to work within us for weeks, months, even years, after we have received them. ​
We also take into account the fact that each teaching retreat requires months of careful preparation, as well as the practical resources needed to provide written handouts and other materials.
We also discern what we are able to give, according to our own personal resources.
Not a 'set fee' - Previously, a set fee was included in the price of each place at a teaching retreat. Recently, our teachers have felt called to revert to the traditional Céile Dé way of inviting each participant to discern what amount feels appropriate for them to give and ask that retreatants give from their hearts at the end of the retreat, in acknowledgement and gratitude for the teachings that they have received. Thus, a fee for the teaching and facilitation component of each retreat is no longer be included in the overall price of each retreat, unless otherwise noted on the retreat registration page.
Please note - If you have received a Termonn Trust scholarship, this will not cover your 'deercc'​ payment for the teachings that you have received on your retreat.
Online gatherings:
For a teaching retreat held online via Zoom, you will be able to pay your Deercc online, using a link provided at the time of the retreat.
​In-person gatherings:
At the end of each in-person US retreat, a bag is passed around the circle into which each person places their Deercc. Some people like to use an envelope for their offering, which can be made in either of the following forms:
- Cash: US dollars
- A US check, made payable to the teacher
Should any retreatant be unable to make their Deercc at the conclusion of an in-person retreat, they may instead offer a note to that effect, and a link will be provided for them to make an offering online.