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Termonn Chapters

Each chapter is made up of the members who live within their  geographical region. Membership is renewed each year and runs from November 1 through October 31. 


Chapter Committees are elected by the members at the annual meeting of members in that chapter. This usually takes place at the annual teaching retreat in that region, but may also happen online, preferably before November 1 each year.

A Chapter Committee does the work of the chapter. They,

  • plan and manage their annual teaching retreat and any other retreats in their region,  

  • manage their membership list, 

  • organize and run their annual membership meetings, and

  • appoint a number of their own committee members to serve on the Termonn Board.


Chapter Committees have at least three and no more than nine members. At their first meeting following the annual membership meeting, they elect,

  • Chair to plan and run their meetings,

  • Vice Chair (optional), to fill in for the Chair when needed,

  • Secretary to take minutes of their meetings and, when approved by the committee, submit them to Termonn Board,

  • Treasurer to manage the finances, 

  • Membership Secretary to manage and encourage chapter membership as well as inform members of the annual membership meeting (the Membership Secretary does not need to be a member of the committee), and

  • A specified number of Termonn Board members.


It is also a good idea to appoint a Nominating Committee of at least two Caim members to find people to be nominated to serve on the Chapter Committee at the next annual membership meeting.

California Chapter

The California Chapter is made up of the Members of Termonn who live in the state of California.


California Chapter Committee

Jackie Marston, Chair
Laurel Felice, Secretary
Janice Freeman Bell, Treasurer
Carey Ann Strelecki


East Coast Chapter

The East Coast Chapter is made up of the Members of Termonn who live east of the Mississippi River.

East Coast Chapter Committee

Beau Bowler, Chair
Mary Ann Brundage, Vice-Chair

Murray Mayo, Secretary
Melinda Gardiner, Treasurer

Alyce Navesky


Northwest Chapter

The Northwest Chapter is made up of the Members of Termonn who live in the states of Oregon and Washington. 

Northwest Chapter Committee

Stacy Holybee, Chair
Alia Calendar, Vice-Chair
Kate Mounts, Secretary
Carol Kenagy, Treasurer
Patricia Rohan, Registrar
Shana Hirsch, Member at Large

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